Sustainable Livelihood

Empowering Food-Insecure Households through Agroecology.

The Lango sub-region, particularly in its rural areas, grapples with profound poverty challenges that necessitate urgent attention and effective solutions. The incidences of poverty in the Lango sub-region are considered high at 57 percent. In light of this pressing situation, the implementation of sustainable livelihoods programs emerges as a compelling imperative. Such programs hold the transformative potential to uplift individuals and communities from the shackles of poverty by equipping them with the necessary tools, Farming Practices and opportunities to generate stable and sufficient income. By tackling poverty at its root causes, our proposed livelihoods programs have the power to foster enduring socioeconomic development in the sub-region, creating a ripple effect of positive change for generations to come.

Sustainable Livelihood

Combatting poverty, fostering resilience, and environmental sustainability in Lango.