Title: Rights and Justice Activity (RAJA)

Main Title: "Improve access to Justice for vulnerable groups in Lira sub-county”

Description: Rights and Justice

The project has been engaging direct and indirect stakeholders in awareness raising on human rights, Strengthening referral pathways for access to justice, identifying and training community volunteers to steer data collection, monitor human rights violations and incase of conflicts engage in alternative Dispute Resolution methods.

The direct beneficiaries include vulnerable groups of women, men, children, youths, People with Disabilities. With a total of 569 cases of human rights violations registered by Community Peace Promoters and project team and others are received by referrals. (85 cases, 2020, 121 cases, 2021, 269 cases 2022 and 2023, 59 cases so far.

The communities have reported a reduction in human rights violations. The community volunteers’ capacities have been built. This voluntary structure continues to work even when the funds have not come, they have continuously collected and submitted to FAPAD. The majority of the communities have also been using Alternative Dispute Resolution methods in conflict management.

They walk in clients to FAPAD for on-spot free legal advice have reported that they got informed of our services through the radio talk shows, community dialogues and the Community Peace Promoters in their neighborhoods. This means the awareness is creating impact to our community.