Title: Awareness raising on wetlands

Main Title: "Alot Lawrence brings resilience to his community"

Description: Land conflict and the use of wetlands

Meet Alot Lawrence, a compassionate resident of Barr sub-county in Lira District, Northern Uganda. At 50 years old, Lawrence's journey is an inspiring testament to the transformative power of community-driven change.

Back in 2004, amidst the challenges of the Lord’s Resistance Army conflict in Northern Uganda, Lawrence found purpose in the work with Facilitation of Peace and Development (FAPAD), which not only provided essential humanitarian aid but also equipped survivors with the tools to address their individual and collective trauma as well as rebuild their spirits.

From those turbulent times, Lawrence emerged as a key contact person for the community around him, leading the charge in FAPAD's Community Peace Promoters – a volunteer group dedicated to nurturing harmony and understanding within the community. His unwavering commitment to this role has significantly influenced peacebuilding in land conflicts. By championing non-violent approaches like Alternative Dispute Resolution, which includes mediation and negotiation, Lawrence has played a pivotal role in resolving disputes amicably. Despite the challenges he faces, Lawrence's dedication knows no bounds. He often embarks on journeys across great distances using his trusty village bike, all to serve the needs of his community members. His tireless efforts extend to addressing pressing issues like land disputes, domestic violence, and child neglect or abuse.

In recent times, Lawrence has broadened his horizons, embracing the sustainable utilization of wetlands. He's taken it upon himself to educate his community about government policies and the urgent need to preserve these vital natural carbon sinks. With his home nestled near the wetlands, Lawrence is also an experienced beekeeper – a skill that proves invaluable in replacing unsustainable practices like crop farming in this vital ecosystem. Alot Lawrence's story is a story of resilience, compassion, and unwavering dedication. He stands as a testament to how one individual can catalyze positive change, fostering peace, understanding, and sustainable practices within his community.